Friday, October 28, 2011


A hope begotten at your sight, a resolve made in my mind,
A moth is destined for the flame, for the light.
Aware of the devastation ahead, yet
We no longer act in perfect logic.

Best not to have met, best not to have wished,
Only had we never loved one another.
Take not another step closer,
With every step we sink deeper.

'Tis time's mischief,
That separates our lives.
Longing for you, long is the way to you,
Bitter be the outcome,
This moment I want no escape.
The word "regret" will hurt the eyes.
Longing for you, long is the way to you,
The end is an inexorable mistake,
Onto this moment we hold,
We pray not for escape,
The word "regret" will hurt the eyes.
After your time and mine,
To our star-crossed love we resign.


一眼之念 一念执着

最好不见 最好不念

我多想念 你多遥远
我有多么想念 你有多遥远
两个世界 之后
只好 情深 缘浅

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